We are a steel tip dart organization in the Sacramento Valley area coordinating local dart leagues, tournaments, local & regional ADO tournaments. We are promoters of local blind draws, benefits, youth leagues and other things to help make playing darts more enjoyable! All SVDA board members strive to create a safe, fun environment for darting events.
The Statistics Portal survey reveals 16.64 million Americans play darts! We’re not surprised! Our sport provides countless hours of enjoyment for all ages. Darts is not a fad or a trend and has been played for decades here in the United States.
Board Member Expectations
I understand that as a member of the Board of Directors for Sacramento Valley Dart Association (SVDA). I have an ethical responsibility to ensure that the association does the best work possible in pursuit of its goals. I believe in the purpose and the mission of SVDA as described in its bylaws and I will act responsibly and prudently as a steward for the members of Sacramento Valley Dart Association.
As part of my responsibilities as a board member of SVDA:
- I will interpret our constituencies’ needs and values to the association, speak out for their interests, and on their behalf, hold the board accountable.
- In turn, I will interpret the association’s work and values to the community, represent the association, and act as a spokesperson with a single unified voice of the board.
- I will be responsible for 1 or more roles as defined in SVDA’s bylaws.
- I will actively participate in all fundraising activities and can expect to contribute approximately 1 or more hours a month of my time to events and activities to benefit the SVDA.
- I will attend board meetings, committee meetings, and other events.
- I will excuse myself from discussions and votes where I have a conflict of interest.
- I will stay informed about what’s going on in the association. I will ask questions and request information. I will participate in and take responsibility for making decisions on issues, policies, and other matters. I will not stay silent if I have questions or concerns.
- In turn I will keep my fellow board members informed regarding the decisions associated with my role and when appropriate elevate questions or issues to the board for consideration or judgment.
- While I am a member of this board, I will make every effort to vote in every decision or ruling and support the final judgment of the board.
- I will work in good faith with association members and other board members as partners toward achievement of our goals.
- If I don’t fulfill these commitments to the association, I will expect the board president to call me and discuss my responsibilities with me.
In turn, the SVDA Board will be responsible to me in the following ways:
- I will be presented, without having to request them, reports and an update of associations activities that allow me to meet the standards of the SVDA. These reports include meeting agendas, meeting minutes, financial reports.
- Opportunities will be offered to me to discuss with the SVDA board president and or vice president the association’s programs, goals, activities, and status; additionally, I can request such opportunities of any board member.
- All board members will help me perform my duties by keeping me informed about issues and activities in SVDA and by offering me opportunities for growth and development in the roles of a board member.
- Board members will respond in a straightforward fashion to questions that I feel are necessary to carry out my moral responsibilities to this association.
- Board members will work with me in good faith toward achievement of the association’s goals.
- If the board does not fulfill its commitments to me, I can call on the board president and or vice president to discuss the association’s responsibilities to me.
Any Sacramento Valley Darting Association (SVDA) member in good standing may serve on the Board of Directors knowing that they may function in any role that best fits the board’s collective skill set. These roles and responsibilities may change at any time during a board members term depending on the needs of the association.